In the April 2012 workshop [Ref 1 in Appendix A] there is discussion of a mission to the island of Svalbard off the northern coast of Norway in March 2012. This mission is described as Stealth Stand-1 of the Fail Safe Host. This describes a grid alignment from Svalbard with the Metatronic Seed Atom in Andorra, where the Seed Atom was tethered to a “Tail of the RhAyas” to slow its rate of spin and quantum gain. This process is illustrated in pages 29 – 31 of the workshop handbook or pages 23 – 25 of the original workshop chartpack. Andorra is home to the Arc Planetary Seed Atom (APSA) and has the Sextant or Metatronic Seed Atom (SSA) overlaid on this. Svalbard is significant as the site of Stand-1 of the Fail Safe Host and as a point of significant contact with the Al-Humbhra.
The diagram above illustrates the “Mirror in the Sky” Deflection Field grids in their original formation. This is based on the original diagram from the workshop handbook mentioned above.
The following diagram illustrates these grids rotated 23.5° into alignment with the Earth’s templar. This is the formation that was used in Fail Safe Stand-1. The grids are rotated around a pivot at the True East Rod point in the center of the diagram (112°W on the equator). The Mirror Plate of interest is the diamond shaped segment centered over the Median Earth (ME) Eumbi point just over the North West corner of Iceland (22°W on the Arctic Circle) in the first diagram above. These two points are linked by the red arrow overlaid on both diagrams to illustrate them. The arrow points from the pivot point to the center of the Mirror Plate of interest.
When the “Mirror in the Sky” grid is rotated, the center of the Mirror Plate of interest is shown near Andorra, so that the “Tail of the RhAyas” tethers the Metatronic Seed Atom to slow its rate of spin and Quantum gain. Then the “Heart of RhAyas” activates in the Krystal Fleet Command Ships to anchor the activation, including the D-span gates set in Norway. The “Tail of the RhAyas” is the central vertical spine in each Mirror Plate. The “Heart of the RhAyas” is represented by the hexagon in the middle of the upper and lower halves of each Mirror Plate.
Mapping Anomalies
Unfortunately, there are issues with these alignments. The way in which the grids were rotated isn’t valid for the real 3D world. When the rotation is done on a more accurate representation of the planetary globe it produces very different results. There are several reasons for this:
- Any 2D map is a notional representation of the planet. It is accurate at a local level but not the global level. Earth being approximately a sphere has its surface curved in two dimensions. When laying this surface out ‘flat’ it’s only possible to ‘uncurve’ it in one of these dimensions. Uncurving the other dimension entails distortion. It’s like peeling an orange and trying to lay the peel flat. This can only be done by tearing the peel. Flat map representations of the earth at a global level are inherently distorted. Different types of maps have different distortions and compromises to minimise the distortion for a particular purpose. Use a different type of background map and we get different distortion and a different relationship with various points on the earth.
- The background map in this case is of a type known as a Mercator map. Effectively a cylinder is wrapped around the earth at the equator and the planet’s surface is projected onto this. The cylinder is then unfolded to provide a flat map. This type of map is accurate around the equator but becomes increasingly distorted towards the poles. In fact, this map extends up and down forever without ever reaching the poles. This map would suggest that the poles extend over a width equal to the equator, when in fact they are points and have no width at all. It would also suggest, for example, that Greenland is comparable in size to Africa, when in fact Africa is about 14 times bigger than Greenland. Also, in reality the distance between the North and South Poles is half the length of the equator. So ideally a map should only be half as high as it is wide with everything contained within those boundaries. A Mercator map becomes infinitely high as it tries to include more of the polar regions.
- The scale on this map increases as one moves up or down away from the equator. This means that if one moves something from a higher to a lower latitude or vice versa it will be distorted, as the scales won’t match.
- Doing a 2D rotation on a paper map bears little relationship with the 3D reality on the planet. It’s physically and mathematically different. A 2D rotation pivots around a point. A rotation in 3D pivots around an axis. This axis passes through the surface of a globe or planet at two points. So, a planetary rotation has two surface pivot points, not one as in 2D. For example, when the earth does its daily rotation it spins around an axis through the North and South Poles. These are the two pivot points in this case.
- A 2D rotation would only be accurate in the immediate vicinity of its pivot point. As one moves away from this at a global level results become increasingly inaccurate and meaningless.
Mapping Tools
Unfortunately, because of the difficulties with various types of distortion, mapping is a very technical area. There are many potential pitfalls along the way. Fortunately, however, there are powerful mathematical procedures and excellent mapping tools available that can do the required job easily and accurately. When we do this rotation directly in 3D we get different results.
Google Earth [Ref 2] provides a realistic representation of the earth and excellent mapping facilities. The “Mirror in the Sky” grids were mapped onto the globe. Points on the Equator, Arctic & Antarctic Circles, etc. were transferred to corresponding points on the globe. This produces a representation of the grids as illustrated in the diagram below. This process causes the grids to get narrower as they approach the Poles. Detail at the Arctic Circle, for example, is much narrower than it is at the Equator. There is less room for the grids to spread their wings. This is a natural feature of the spherical structure of the planet.
Furthermore, there is much less space north of the Arctic Circle than there is south of it. This causes detail above the Arctic Circle to get squashed. Again, this is a natural feature of polar behaviour. The change in the appearance of the grids is a reflection of the distortion in the original flat background map.
The grids were then rotated 23.5° around the original pivot at the True East Rod point in the Pacific west of Ecuador (112°W on the equator). The rotated position of the grids is illustrated in the second globe diagram above. The primary pivot point is indicated by the green arrow at the middle left edge of the diagram. The actual point is down the side of the globe and cannot be seen directly at the particular viewing angle.
When we rotate any planetary structure or grids around this pivot point it will also rotate around the corresponding pivot on the opposite side of the globe. This is illustrated by the green arrow at the middle right edge of the diagram. These are the extremities of an axis of rotation running through the globe.
The two pivot points are 180° apart and on the Equator at 112°W and 68°E respectively. The center point of the Mirror Plate of interest lies at 22°W (and 66.5°N). It lies on a meridian exactly mid-way between the two pivots just as the Equator lies mid-way between the two Poles. It is 90° from each of them. It is the nature of rotation that the rotated points will always maintain the same distance from their pivots. The path that maintains the required distances in this case is the 22°W meridian and its corresponding 158°E meridian on the far side of the globe.
This means that the central detail of this Mirror Plate will always remain on this 22°W meridian regardless of the degree of rotation, the shape of the grid or the nature of the detail. The same applies to the other three Mirror Plates centered on these two meridians, i.e. the equivalent plate in the southern hemisphere and the corresponding two on the opposite side of the globe. Effectively the 22°W & 158°E meridians form the equivalent of an Equator between the pivot points in question. Just as everything on the conventional Equator stays on the Equator as the earth rotates around its Poles, everything on these meridians remains on them for rotation around the pivot points here. This is a fundamental principle of geometry.
We then get the results illustrated in the diagram above. It can be argued that the grid detail or proportions, etc. should be different. However, this has no impact on the principle that the grid centers in question will remain on the particular 22°W meridian.
The analysis above involves some detailed mathematics and mapping tools. They provide specific results that can be illustrated. However, the underlying reality and principles are relatively simple and easy to check out in practice. It is strongly urged that people do check this out to validate the situation for themselves as follows:
- Get a globe of the earth. It is very useful to have a globe to hand when looking at any planetary level mapping, as it helps to focus a more accurate representation of the planet.
- Find and mark the True East Rod pivot point at 112°W on the Equator. This is west of South America on the Equator about half way between the 105°W and 120°W points, which are usually marked.
- Find and mark the ME Eumbi point at 22°W on the Arctic Circle. This is at the North West corner of Iceland. It is about half way between the 15°W and 30°W points on the Arctic Circle, which can usually be found.
- Get a piece of non-stretchy string or thread. Hold one end securely at the marked pivot point on the Equator.
- Move along the string until you can hold the other end over the marked Eumbi point North West of Iceland.
- Then slide the Eumbi end of the string southwards to simulate a rotation. If the string remains secure at the pivot point and doesn’t stretch you will find that the end corresponding to the Eumbi point moves south through the Atlantic, effectively following the 22°W meridian.
Another test is to measure the actual distances involved. The distance between the True East Rod pivot point and the center of the Mirror Plate over the ME Eumbi Point near Iceland rounds to 6,200 miles. It’s actually quarter of the earth’s circumference. The distance from the True East Rod pivot point to Andorra is 7,400 miles. So, the nearest the center of the Mirror Plate can get to Andorra when the grids are rotated is 1,200 miles. Andorra is 1,200 miles further on than the distance to Iceland. This is what would be experienced if one were to fly the routes in a plane.
In other words, for the center of the Mirror Plate and the Tail of RhAyas to approach and tether anything in Andorra would require a stretching of the order of 1,200 miles in addition to grid rotation. A similar situation applies to Norway. Any such stretching would distort all the neighbouring grids.
Results can be summarised as follows:
- The Mirror Plate of interest rotates directly southwards through the Atlantic. Neither the Tail nor the Heart go anywhere near Andorra. There are 24° of Longitude (about 1,200 miles) between the central detail of the Plate and Andorra. So effectively there is no relationship there with Andorra.
- Neither the Tail nor the Heart of this Mirror Plate go anywhere near Norway. The central detail of this Mirror Plate running through the Atlantic doesn’t have any specific relationship with any land in Western Europe.
- The Mirror Plate of interest rotates away from Svalbard so that there is no connection with Svalbard. What happens is that the counterpart polar grid in the Pacific rotates up over the North Pole and into position near Svalbard. In fact, its center point lies over the North Pole. A connection to these Mirror grids from Svalbard would link this Pacific grid Plate. The connection and influence would propagate over the North Pole, down through Siberia and into the Pacific Ocean. The most significant alignment from Svalbard would be with the North Pole.
- Norway and Scandinavia generally are split between these two Mirror Plates. The northern part of Norway, i.e. that above the line marked in red ‘d-a-b’, lies in the outer reaches of the Pacific Plate. The southern part lies in the outer reaches of the Atlantic Plate.
- The Median Earth Eumbi point near Iceland remains a key point on these grids. This is now the central connection point for the northern polar grids. It becomes the equivalent of a North Pole for these grids. The 22°W True Central Meridian running through Iceland remains a key central line through the grids. So, Iceland plays a key role in these grids.
In summary, these particular grids do not support an alignment between Svalbard and either Andorra or Norway. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t some other energetic connection between these locations. Any such connection would need to be validated by some other means however.
Other Grid Connections
Are there any other known grid connections linking Svalbard? When we examine the earlier grids, Amenti Map, Hub Grids, Safe Zone Map and so on for connections in the Svalbard region the only one we find is the PSG8 Ley Line. This runs through Svalbard and down through central / eastern Europe, as illustrated in the diagram below.
The four Hub Grids centered on the UK and Ireland embrace southern Norway and Sweden. Svalbard does arise as a site in the more recent Al Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Network Grid.
If we look at grid lines passing through Svalbard the following are the most significant. The meridian passing through Svalbard links it directly with the North Pole. This would in fact coincide with the PSG8 Ley Line mentioned above. This would be the most significant. The next most significant would be the line through Svalbard at 90° to this meridian. Both of these lines are illustrated in blue in the diagram below. Note that ‘lines’ on the globe are represented by great circles on the surface of the planet. Please see Appendix B for more details.
This second line at 90° to the polar meridian is in fact the line furthest away from the North Pole that still goes through Svalbard. It is the line that is inclined furthest away from vertical, i.e. the line of maximum declination, for Svalbard. It is inclined 11.8° from the polar meridians.
To continue reading further sections on this topic please refer to – Easter Island – Giza Grids, Plasma – Planetary or Caribbean Grids.