Kathara Grid
The Kathara Grid with the associated Universal Star Gates (USGs) is illustrated in the diagram over. The dimensional numbers and colors associated with each center are indicated. This information is detailed in the Dance for Life, Love, Freedom Manual, E’Asha Ashayana, 2002 [Ref 1]. Key points to note are the locations of Earth at Kathara Center 3 (USG 3) and the Sun at Center 4 (USG 4) either side of the Universal Grid Eumbi point. It is also worth noting that in the travails of our Time Matrix USG 12 was destroyed for a time during the Fall of Lyra, USG 8 was seriously damaged in the Orion Wars and USG 5 was likewise damaged during the Fall of Tara.

The corresponding Kathara grid with the equivalent Galactic Star Gates (GSGs) for our solar system is illustrated in the second diagram below. Note that Maldak (GSG 5) is destroyed and now manifests as the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. Chiron (GSG 11) is also destroyed, while Nibiru (GSG 12)[1] has been pulled out of place into a highly eccentric orbit. Pluto is no longer regarded as a major planet, but can be assumed to represent the remains of an original planet near that location in the solar system.
Beyond Neptune there is another belt like the Asteroid Belt, but 20 times wider and 20 to 200 times more massive. This is known as the Kuiper Belt. It comprises a huge collection of cosmic rubble. Conventionally it is regarded as left over material from the creation of the solar system that did not accrete to form planets. However it can also be regarded as remnants of the destruction of the outer planets corresponding to Kathara Centers 10 through 12. Pluto is one of the bigger items in the Kuiper Belt and although still small probably represents a significant chunk of its parent planet.
[1] Note there is a bit of ambiguity about the location of Nibiru. In the Dance for Life Manual [Ref 1] for example the diagram on page 84 associates Nibiru with Kathara Center 11. But the diagrams on pages 93 and 241 – 243 identify it with GSG 12. This doesn’t affect the overall picture however.

Points to note are the location of Earth at Kathara Center 3 (GSG 3), Mars at GSG 4, Venus at GSG 2 and Mercury at GSG 1. Earth has a very strong connection with Kathara Center 3 as this arises in both the USG and GSG grids. Both the Sun and Mars are connected with Kathara Center 4.
The corresponding planetary grid sites on Earth are summarised in the table below. A point of interest is the resonance between Venus and SG2 Sarasota through Kathara Center 2. This information is detailed in the Dance for Life, Love, Freedom Manual, Copyright © A & A Deane, 2002 [Ref 1].
We can follow the Kathara Centers with Fibonacci numbers to trace a Fibonacci passage through the Kathara Grid. The Fibonacci numbers form a sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc. that is discussed further in Refs [1 & 3]. This Fibonacci sequence is indicated by the green line in the Kathara Grid to the right in the diagrams above. This links Kathara Centers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 & 13. Kathara Center 13 is associated with the Primal Kathara Grid linking the conventional grid to the primal light and sound fields. Apart from Kathara Center 3 all of these centers lie on the central vertical column. Note in the original Kathara Grid that the Earth USG 3 – Sun USG 4 connection is preserved.

Tree of Life Grid
The Tree of Life derives from the Kathara Grid, but represents a distorted version of the grid. This is shown in relation to the Flower of Life pattern that lies behind it in the diagram over. The conventional numbering system for the Tree of Life centers is indicated. There are several coloring systems in use. One of these is shown. Note that the numbers are inverted from the normal Kathara Grid numbering.
The Tree of Life is illustrated on its own in the diagram below. Here the conventional names of the centers are indicated.
Comparing this with the Kathara Grid we can see the following distortions:

- Kathara Center 12 has been removed. This is a key center linking to the primal light fields and the next level up in cosmic structure.
- Kathara Center 8 has largely been removed. At the mid-point of the 15 dimensional matrix this is a key center linking to the galactic core. In some versions of the Tree of Life grid there is an enigmatic center in this position known as Daath (0).
- The AzurA center point of the Kathara Grid holding the seed atom and its Source connection has been removed. There is instead a false grid center at Kathara Center 5, which is elevated to the position of Sun.
- The center numbers have been inverted and changed to reflect a 10 center grid.
- The proportions of the grid have been altered to align with the Flower of Life pattern.
- The planetary correspondences and colour associations have been modified.

It is interesting to note that in the early days of the KS movement the Psonn of Orion was used to help restore the SG 8 frequencies while the Maharata Psonn was used to restore the SG 12 frequencies. These correspond to the missing 8 and 12 Kathara Centers in the Tree of Life grid.
The planetary associations on the Tree of Life grid are illustrated in the next diagram.[1] There are very interesting points to be noted here that can be summarised as follows:
[1] Note there is some variability in the assignment of planets on the Tree of Life grid. An alternative placement associates the Moon directly with Earth at 10; places Mercury at 9, Mars at 8, Saturn at 5, Uranus at 3, Pluto at 0 and Nibiru at 1. The other planet placements remain the same. This doesn’t change the overall picture greatly however.
- The planet originally associated with Kathara Center 12 has been removed.
- The planet originally associated with Kathara Center 5 (Maldak) has been destroyed. Its remains now form the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.
- The Sun has been moved to a false center in Kathara Center 5. This is now numbered 6, which gives some additional significance to the ‘666’ sequence in conventional number systems. Further this modified 6 center lies at the center of the underlying Flower of Life pattern as a grid center the other planets connect to and revolve around.
- Mercury has been ‘promoted’ to overlay the original Earth position in Kathara Center 3.
- Earth has been ‘demoted’ to the original Mercury position in Kathara Center 1. Effectively Earth and Mercury have swapped places. Earth is now in the lowest frequency position.
- Venus has likewise been ‘promoted’ to the original Mars/Sun position in Kathara Center 4. This now means that the two key USG 3 & 4 positions of Earth and the Sun in the Universal Kathara Grid have been overlaid by Mercury and Venus respectively.
- The Venus position in the original Kathara Center 2 has been overlaid by the Moon.
- We see that Earth now no longer has a direct association with the Sun as in the original Universal Kathara Grid. Its relation with the Sun is now mediated by Mercury, Venus and the Moon. These serve to fence it off from direct influence.
- Uranus still retains its original position in Kathara Center 8. This is a very enigmatic location. It’s not included in some versions of the Tree of Life grid. Where included it’s not counted with a number to retain the 10 center version of the grid. It tends to be regarded as an additional esoteric center like the Sun position in the original center 5 / modified center 6 location.

Several of the planets in the original Kathara Centers marked by numbers in the Fibonacci sequence haven’t fared particularly well:
- Venus originally in Kathara Center 2 is upside down in relation to the other planets. It’s rotating clockwise on its axis whereas the other planets rotate anti-clockwise. It can be the case of course that Venus is correctly oriented and the rest of the planets are upside down. Despite being upside down its axis is almost vertical with a tilt of just 2.7°. However the planet rotates extremely slowly on its axis such that a day corresponds to 243 days (8 months) on Earth.
- Maldak originally in Kathara Center 5 has been destroyed as mentioned previously.
- Uranus in Kathara Center 8 is lying over on its side. Its axis has a tilt of 98°, i.e. it is mostly on its side but slightly inverted. It’s described as ‘barrel rolling’ along its orbit.
Kathara Centers 5 and 8 are both powerful and significant. They lie close to the AzurA Center. Center 5 receives the Krystal Spiral flows as they emerge from the AzurA Center. This is illustrated in the diagram over for the clockwise EtorA flow. If we include the additional AdorA anti-clockwise flow this again comes out from the AzurA Center flows through Center 5, then through 7 and 10 before again crossing the EtorA flow at 12.
Both flows pass through Center 5 and are conditioned by this as the first center they encounter. Center 8 serves a complementary role on the other side of the AzurA. As with Center 2 Centers 5 & 8 are Grual points in their respective density levels.

Because Center 5 is so powerful it has been subject to particular abuse. This is almost certainly the location where the original Krystal Spiral flows were diverted to create the Metatronic Golden Mean and Fibonacci spirals.
5 is the number that has been abused to create the Metatronic spirals. The Golden Mean spiral is based on the number Phi (Φ = 1.618…). This in turn is derived from the number 5. The Fibonacci numbers in turn have close association with this Phi number. All these influences share the same ‘Phi/Fi’ sound tone and can be summarised as follows:
- Five
- Phi – Golden Mean.
- Fibonacci
Kathara Centers 5 & 8 are key centers Fibonacci influences can access. We can see in the Tree of Life Grid how these centers are either suppressed or exalted. Abuse of these centers is a key element of Metatronic science and Thothian technology. Likewise we have Fibonacci influence being exerted on the 1 & 2 Centers, with Earth effectively being caught in a pincer movement between the two sets of influence. The solution as always is to build connection with the original 12 Center and its Maharic frequencies and to hold these connections to help heal the distortions in the other Centers.
Mythological Associations
The planets in themselves are not negative. Like the original Kathara Centers the main issues arise from what has been done to them and various influences that are routed through them. We can get an indication of some of these influences from the stories and myths that have come down to us from our ancestors. Mythology details significant associations with many of the planets. Some of these are summarised in the table below.

It can be noted that there was a strong Nibiruan and Anunnaki influence in the later Mesopotamian civilisations. These arose in Assyria, Sumer, Babylon, etc. along the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in present day Kuwait, Iraq and Syria. The Anu influence was particularly transparent there. Their great sky god was called Anu and there are specific historical references to the Anunnaki. One of their senior gods was Enki. Enki is historically associated with Thoth and with the planet Mercury. Enki is also associated with water and with fish. Another interesting deity is Ishtar also known as Inanna in Sumer and by various other names. She was associated with the planet Venus. Ishtar was a formidable lady, who had a very low tolerance for any obstruction of her wishes. Stories can be researched on the internet. She was strongly associated with both Anu and Enki – Anu used stay with her when visiting the planet.
These associations carry forward into Greek mythology. Here Thoth is present as Hermes and is again associated with Mercury. Here he is also known as the great trickster, one who enjoys playing jokes on people. In one story as an infant he apparently stole a herd of Apollo’s cattle. He put shoes on their hooves pointing backwards to give the impression that they had gone in the opposite direction to where they had really gone. He then went home to hide in his cradle all innocence. Here the counterpart for Ishtar is Aphrodite. Aphrodite was a beautiful daughter of Uranus born from the sea and retained a strong association with the sea. She was regarded as a personification of the planet Venus. Again Hermes and Aphrodite were closely associated. This is evident in the story of Hermaphrodite, a child of Aphrodite and Hermes that represents a fusion of male and female characteristics. Aphrodite also had relationship with Ares, the god of war, who was also associated with the planet Mars (GSG 4).
Finally in Roman mythology Hermes presents as Mercury. He was the son of Jupiter and was known as the winged messenger of the gods. He was also frequently shown carrying the caduceus. He was directly associated with the planet Mercury, which was named after him. Likewise Aphrodite appears here as the goddess Venus and is directly associated with the planet named after her. Venus like Aphrodite was regarded as born from the sea. She also had relationship with Mars among others.
So we can see a Thothian influence working directly through the planet Mercury. This influence also works through the female counterpart Venus and through the corresponding planet. Both planets physically lie between the Sun and Earth. Venus is the planet physically closest to the Earth and also most similar to it. It is often regarded as a sister planet. We can see from the Tree of Life grid above how Mercury and Venus have been used to mediate the relationship between Earth and the Sun.
Planetary Alignment
There is a unique and very powerful alignment between the planetary orbits of Earth and Venus. Earth, Venus and the Sun come into alignment as illustrated over every 1.6 years. This is referred to as a conjunction of these planets.
Venus is closer to the Sun than Earth and so can pass between Earth and the Sun. This passage between Earth and the Sun is technically referred to as an inferior conjunction. Looking up into the sky the planet is nearer or lower than the Sun. Venus also passes round and comes into line on the back side of the Sun in what is referred to as a superior or higher conjunction.

The conjunctions where Venus passes between Earth and the Sun are those of greater interest. Not only is there a conjunction alignment here, but more significantly these are the points of closest approach between Venus and Earth. These are illustrated in the diagram above. The background diagram is an accurate model of the orbits from NASA JPL software [Ref 5].
The alignment every 1.6 years means that over a cycle of 8 years Venus and Earth come into alignment 5 times. These conjunctions are spread evenly around the orbit of the Sun to form a pentacle. This is illustrated in the diagram below.
The outer circle in blue shows the orbit of Earth. The intermediate circle in green shows the orbit of Venus and the inner in red shows the orbit of Mercury around the Sun at the center. The direction of motion of the planets is counter clockwise around the Sun as shown by the arrows. In practice the orbits are slightly elliptical, but are shown as circles for simplicity.

One 8 year cycle of Earth – Venus – Sun conjunctions is shown. The most recent such conjunction arose on June 5/6th, 2012. This is shown at roughly the one o’clock position in the diagram above. The exact points of alignment are mapped around the circle of the orbit. The 3 o’clock position marked by the dashed blue line represents the Vernal Equinox around March 21st. This is the reference point for measuring progression around the orbit of the Sun. So the 12 o’clock position in the diagram above corresponds to the Summer solstice (June 21st), 9 o’clock the Autumnal Equinox (Sept 21st), etc. The alignment positions are therefore mapped to accurate locations on the orbital path. The planetary orbits likewise are accurately scaled to their average positions.
The alignment information for the June 2012 conjunction is the same as that in the earlier Venus Conjunctions diagram. In that earlier diagram the Vernal Equinox reference point is pointing down in the 6 o’clock position. So if we rotate that diagram counter-clockwise 90°, i.e. a quarter turn, we get the same June 2012 alignments as in the diagram above.
The next earlier conjunction alignment occurred on Oct 29th, 2010 and is shown in the 8 o’clock position. The remaining alignments in the cycle are shown going back through Mar 2009, Aug 2007, Jan 2006 and Jun 2004. We can now trace the progression forward from June 2004 by following the arrows in the pentacle until we arrive back at June 2012. The pentagonal pattern almost closes back on itself, but is short by 2 days or equivalently 2°. This mismatch represents 2 days over an 8 year cycle, which is less than one part in a thousand, i.e. it’s a pretty tight fit.
The cycle continues forward. The same pattern is repeated 8 years forward less 2 days for each of the positions shown. So the next conjunction will be in the 5 o’clock position on Jan 11th, 2014. That cycle will arrive back in the 1 o’clock position on Jun 3rd, 2020 and so on.
The alignments are separated by 1.6 years. In this time Earth travels 1.6 times on its orbit around the Sun. Meanwhile Venus has also moved forward on its orbit and has travelled 2.6 times around the Sun by the time the Earth catches up with it again. So it is one complete year ahead of Earth, i.e. 2.6 = 1.6 + 1 years. Looking at these figures we see the Golden Mean / Phi ratio coming into play. The exact Golden Mean progression is 2.618.. = 1.618.. + 1. The progression above isn’t exactly Golden Mean. But it is accurate Fibonacci, which is approximately Golden Mean in its early phases.
The 1.6 years progression moves the alignment forward in the counter clockwise direction 216°. This is the same as moving 144° in the reverse or clockwise direction. This is the reason why the alignment pattern appears to be rotating in the opposite direction to the motion of the planets. This 144° spacing traces out a pentacle as shown. 144° is the angle for a pentacle. The 5 outer points form a pentagon. The spacing isn’t completely uniform around the cycle due to the elliptical nature of the orbits. But the pattern as a whole is stable and repeats consistently as shown.
The pattern is precessing or rotating backwards by slightly over 2 days every 8 years as shown by the mismatch. This longer precessional cycle means that the starting point will move around the circle progressively over time and come back to the same starting point every 1,340 to 1,440 years depending on the stability of the orbits.
We also have conjunctions with Venus in alignment but on the far side of the Sun. These conjunctions also form the same pentacle pattern but with the arms spaced evenly between the arms of the pentacle above. These alignments are of lesser significance.
Venus Transits
The pentagonal cycle illustrated above is continuous and we could have started it at any of the 5 points. There is a reason why the June point was chosen. There is a small vertical angle between the orbits of Venus and Earth. This means that most of the time Venus passes above or below the Sun. We have the same situation with the Moon. The Moon is in conjunction with the Sun at every New Moon, i.e. about once a month. However most of the time it passes above or below the Sun. When occasionally it passes directly across the face of the Sun we have a solar eclipse.
On June 8th, 2004 and again on June 5/6th, 2012 Venus passed directly across the face of the Sun. This means that the Sun, Venus and Earth were in an exact alignment. This is referred to as a transit. It is more powerful than a conjunction on its own. It means that we had the Venus Pentagonal Alignment running on steroids at those times.
Venus transits are relatively rare events. They usually occur in a pair 8 years apart and then not again for a period of about 110 years. There are two sets of transits every 243 years. We have already seen this 243 number in relation to the correspondence between Venus and Earth days. There is a significance to it but we need not go into it here. The last transit prior to 2004 was in 1882 and the next one will be in 2117. There are two locations where the orbits of Earth and Venus are in the same plane. These occur in early June and early December and are referred to as the Nodes of Venus. When we get an Earth – Venus – Sun conjunction near these nodes, as happened in June, we get a transit, but not otherwise. So these recent transits were a once in a lifetime event and it was particularly significant to have one show up in 2012.

There was a lot of publicity around the 2012 transit. It was mostly visible over Asia and the Pacific. An excellent photo combining 3 stages of the progression taken in Jordan is shown above. A representation of the transit as seen from Japan is shown below using astronomy software [Ref 4]. Other planets close by are also shown. The scenery is simulated from add in photographs. The ‘orbs’ are just a cosmetic representation of lens flare and have no significance.

Fibonacci Influence
As we have seen above over the course of an 8 year pentagonal cycle we have 5 Venus conjunctions or alignments. Within this same period Venus will pass through 13 of its years (5 x 2.6 = 13). During this period also Mercury moves through 33.2 years. This is approaching another Fibonacci number 34, but isn’t sufficiently close to warrant too much attention.
We have the number 2 present with Venus = GSG 2. Likewise the number 3 is present with Earth = GSG 3. Mercury (GSG 1) is also in the mix.
As mentioned previously Venus is rotating extremely slowly on its axis. So a Venus day relative to the stars (sidereal day) is actually longer than a Venus year. Within the 8 year pentagonal cycle there are 12 Venus days. This means that such a Venus day corresponds to around 8 months on Earth.
We can summarise these numbers as follows:

Actual values are shown where appropriate. We can see that these actual values are extremely close to their corresponding whole numbers. The precision is one part in a thousand or better. This is highly significant.
So we have all the Fibonacci numbers mentioned previously represented here. This is quite extraordinary. To achieve this level and precision of alignment and to preserve it stably over time requires that the orbits of Venus and Earth be maintained in a precise 0.723… proportion. This is what they are. Needless to say such a degree of alignment did not arise by accident.
The orbits of Venus and Earth are effectively entrained in this Fibonacci alignment. The only other pair of planets with a degree of entrainment are Mars and Saturn. But the alignment there is weaker and only forms a simple straight line pattern, not a complex pattern like a pentacle. Incidentally Mars and Saturn also came into their own separate conjunction alignment a few days after the Venus transit in early June. There is relationship between the orbits of Mercury and Venus but it isn’t as direct as that between Venus and Earth.
So this alignment is quite unique. What we are looking at here is one of the crown jewels of Thothian technology. This alignment is obviously a key factor in ‘managing’ the key relationship between the Sun and Earth.
The presence of 12 in the alignment pattern above is also interesting. It corresponds with the center 12 that has been removed from the Kathara Grid in the Tree of Life grid and also potentially with GSG 12 = Nibiru. This 12 alignment in the Venus – Earth days is independent of the 5 – 8 – 13 alignment of the orbits. It’s almost inconceivable that it would have arisen accidentally.
These alignment patterns aren’t something recent. The orbital alignment has been in place for many thousands of years. It was known about in earlier civilisations. The 8 year cycle of Venus conjunctions was known and watched. It is most likely the reason why the 8 pointed star has been associated with Venus. This has been called the Star of Ishtar and also the Star of Venus. The 8 pointed star is also known as the Nibiruan Star. More recently Venus has also been associated with the 5 pointed star or pentacle presumably because of the pentagonal alignment pattern of conjunctions.
The Venus Pentagonal Alignment pattern is well known in astronomical circles. But nobody knows why it’s there – it’s one of those enigmatic realities. Its significance hasn’t been appreciated because there hasn’t been a context for understanding it.
Workshop Influence
It’s readily apparent that this Venus transit alignment arose in proximity to the May 2012 workshop. Officially the alignment peaked at 1:29am on June 6th, 2012 Universal Time (UTC effectively GMT). So it is regarded as a 6/6/12 event. If we regard the Sun as center 6 in the Tree of Life grid this gives an interesting correspondence with the famous ‘666’ number sequence, but may not be of significance. In EDT time the transit peaked at 9:29pm on Tuesday June 5th. The transit as a whole lasted from approximately 6pm on June 5th until 1am on June 6th EDT. It was within 8 days of the end of the workshop on May 28th and well within the zone of influence for the workshop generally and for a number of weeks afterwards.
The question arises – where was Mercury in all of this? It happens that Mercury passed behind the Sun in a superior conjunction on the morning of Sunday May 27th. This is illustrated in the representation below. Mercury lay in the flare of the Sun and is shown looking out over the top of the globe in the magnified cut out. Such Mercury conjunctions are reasonably common – there are about 3 per year. As such they are not particularly significant on their own. But they take on significance in relation to other alignments.
Between May 27th and June 5th Venus approached and passed directly in front of the Sun, while Mercury moved out from behind the Sun towards the left. Jupiter meanwhile wasn’t moving very rapidly over the period due to its distance. The corresponding arrangement for June 5/6th is illustrated in the earlier diagram above.

The planetary alignments on the morning of May 27th are illustrated in relation the pentagonal pattern in the diagram below. Here the positions of Earth and Venus are shown near the 1 o’clock position. Mercury is shown opposite the Earth in the 7 o’clock position. We can see that Venus isn’t too far off the Mercury – Earth alignment.
At the expense of complicating the diagram the direction towards Uranus (GSG 8) is also shown near the 9 o’clock position. This planet is too far out to actually show on the diagram. It’s interesting to note that Uranus was reasonably close to a 120° trine alignment with Earth and a corresponding 60° sextile relationship with Mars at that time. Angular relationships in relation to the Sun are important as the Sun is the great distributor of energy for all the planets. A trine relationship is significant as this angle has a lot of physical influence. It is also the Tri-Veca angle. This would have brought the influence of GSG 8 into the alignments.
All planets moved forward on 28th and towards their positions for June 5th. It’s also interesting to note that during the transit on June 5/6th Uranus was in an exact trine relationship with Mercury.
It also happens that there was a full moon on the morning of June 4th. There was a partial eclipse of the moon at this time. This means that around this time the Sun, Venus, Earth and the Moon were all in alignment. This made for a very intense time.

So to summarise:
- The original 12 planet formation of our solar system has been distorted significantly.
- There are interesting correspondences with the distortions in the basically 10 center Tree of Life grid.
- The original and very important Earth – Sun relationship has been rearranged and is being mediated significantly through the agency of Mercury, Venus and the Moon.
- Mythology documents significant Thothian influences associated with the planets generally but particularly with Mercury, which has a direct Thothian connection, and Venus, which is connected through a close female relationship.
- The orbits of Earth and Venus are highly entrained in a powerful Fibonacci alignment. This generates a recurring pentagonal pattern of 5 alignments over a cycle spanning 8 Earth years and 13 Venusian years.
- These alignments are particularly powerful during relatively infrequent pairs of transits where Venus moves across the face of the Sun. We had such a pair of transits recently in 2004 and 2012.
- The June 2012 transit was sufficiently close to the May 2012 workshop to exert influence both during and immediately after it. It was also accompanied by a Mercury alignment during the workshop.
So during this period from late May through early June 2012 the Anu and specifically the Thothian Anu had all their ducks lined up. They had all their heavy artillery in place. Would they use such an opportunity? Did they use it?
In any case and for whatever reason we have seen a split in the Shield as a whole since that time. We have a responsibility to face realities, to heal this within ourselves and to assist with wider healing where possible.
- Dance For Life, Love, Freedom Manual, E’Asha Ashayana, 2002.
- Voyagers The Secrets of Amenti Volume II. 2002 by Ashayana Deane, Granite Publishing.
- Spirals of Creation Kathara Team Module.
- Astronomy Software – Starry Night – http://astronomy.starrynight.com/
- Astronomy Software – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Eyes on the Solar System – http://eyes.nasa.gov/index.html
- Planetary Data – http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/
- Solar System Data – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?ephemerides
- Planetary Ephemeris Data – http://ephemeris.com/goto.php ; http://www.astro.com/swisseph/swepha_e.htm
- Kuiper Belt – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuiper_belt
- Venus Conjunction Pattern – http://www.lunarplanner.com/HCpages/Venus.html
- Venus Conjunction Data – http://www.alabe.com/VeCycle-1.pdf ; http://www.astropro.com/features/tables/geo/ve-su/ve000su/vesu27.html
- Venus Transit Data – http://astro.ukho.gov.uk/nao/transit/V_2012/index.html ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transit_of_Venus
- Star of Venus – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_of_Venus