Home Sacred Science Ancient ScienceOur world exists within a much bigger reality than we normally perceive. There is still much for us to explore. We can look to our ancient history and its accomplishments for clues to possibilities.FundamentalsLife & Consciousness are foundational in creation. There is progressive emergence of structure with increasing detail & complexity. There are processes and associated knowledge underlying these realities.SpiralsSpirals embody fundamental processes in creation. They carry connection and allow energies to flow between Dimensional levels. Relationships between different types of spiral are explored. HarmonicsHarmonics play a key role in the relationships between Frequencies, Cycles and Proportions. Harmonic Resonance builds connection between Dimensions, between Cycles of Time and so on. Grid IssuesOur Universe has experienced major issues over its long history, normally described as ‘Fall’. Underlying mechanics, consequences (fragmentation & partial isolation), challenges and healing are explored. Principles Creation – Projected RealityAs creators, we have more power and responsibility in creation than we may realise. We create our realities. But we’re also subject to the realities we create, individually and collectively. Triple SpiralThis is an excellent example of the Trinity that generates and releases Polarity. It symbolises polarity in action.Love, Light & KnowingThere is a balance to be achieved in applying the power of our Love, Light & Knowing to face and deal with our Shadow influences, bringing Light to Darkness and Darkness to Light.. Direct Source ConnectionWe all share Direct Connection with the great Source of Eternal Life that lives through us, to the extent we are alive. Protecting this connection to Unity Consciousness (Yunasai) is important.Cosmic Divine BlueprintCommentary on original creation principles in original KS Cosmic Divine Blueprint document.Balance & FlowBalance is important in neutralising polarity for resolution. On its own it’s not enough, but combined with vertical connection and inter-dimensional processes, it harnesses the power of creation. TeachingLife is about learning. We have many teachers – our own higher guidance, the world and the wisdom of our racial heritage transmitted through teachers. We learn from all & become our own teacher.Who Am I?An exploration of identity. What is it that lives in my body, experiences my life, directs my progress, integrates all that I Am and provides meaning and purpose to existence?LoveLove is one of our greatest aspirations. We often want it in our lives without really knowing what it is. We can chase it without necessarily approaching it. What is love? PolarityPolarity arises in creation. How do we deal with it? Denying it also denies the solution. Facing issues with integrity and resolve is part of our learning and progress here.CreationCreation arises as an experience within Source. Consciousness focuses attention on a particular idea and in doing so creates structure around it. We are part of this process. Mission MissionDimensional structure in our universe and how this was damaged. Consequences in fragmentation of consciousness, dimensional connection, DNA, etc. Restoration of natural order in a hybrid creation.Christos MissionOngoing problems & falls in our multi dimensional universe. Christos Realignment Mission to restore connection. Grid repair projects. Ongoing healing for Soul integration and collective evolution. Healing Frequency RunningThere is much we can do to empower ourselves in these challenging times. We can draw resources & Life Force currents from higher dimensions & apply them for practical support. Journey into SoulSoul integration is very active in these momentous times, creating much opportunity & challenge. There are processes for shadow healing, empowerment, evolutionary learning, incarnational integration and so on.Healing ShadowOne of the greatest challenges we face in our growth towards wholeness is dealing with shadow. The light – shadow polarity is one of the deepest and most fundamental but also liberating in creation. Managing ShadowShadow supplies the challenges in our lives, we all have to deal with, heal and learn from. The Dark Night of the Soul polishes our diamond with fortitude, realism, grounding, balance and so on.GroundingWe can find real value in a good ground connection when storms blow. There is much value in the ordinary circumstances of our lives and we can learn and receive help in many unexpected ways. IllusionIn exploring a greater reality we can regard our more immediate world as illusory. But consequences are real. There’s a balance to be achieved between realism in our world and being open to higher possibilities. CopingFor a tree to reach high towards the heavens it must put roots down deep into the earth. The roots stabilise the tree and nourish it to reach upwards. The branches bring in light and energy in a balancing flow. Flow & SeparationPolarity and separation arise as natural elements in creation. There is a natural flow through polarity into separation and back again to unity. Problems mainly arise when these flows get stuck. Krystal Spiral Spirals of Creation Spirals are significant in creation. They provide a fascinating cross section across many levels and help illustrate the beauty, scale and profundity of the vast cosmic structure we are part of. Spiral Features, Spirals & Merkaba Spirals of HarmonyHarmony is a key element in structure. It is of fundamental importance to the structure of sound frequencies in music, color in art, proportions in architecture, etc. Sound provides an excellent basis for exploring the nature of harmony. HarmonicsMusical notes carry a fundamental frequency, plus multiples of that frequency, known as harmonics. The interaction of these harmonics is key to the richness of music and illustrates application in wider fields. Krystal Spiral in God WorldsThe Krystal Spiral links and integrates connection across many levels of the higher dimensional God Worlds. It illustrates the expansion into separation and integration back into unity, holding core connection.Brave & Happy CommentsComments on criticism of Krystal Spiral teaching module. Grids Amenti GridsAmenti Grids are a key part of the planetary energy system, equivalent to our personal centres, chakras, axiatonal and meridian lines. This system is key to the health of the planet and our interaction with it. Polar GridsPolar grids are a key feature of our planet. They regulate our climate, seasons, weather and relation with the sun. There is evidence of pole shifts and movement in the past that can have some implications now.Globe GeometryWe’re used to dealing with flat 2D maps. But Earth is a 3D globe. There are technical issues to be aware of in mapping global structures & alignments on flat maps. Alignments Planet Alignments: 2020 – ’23Major planetary alignments arise in this period. 2023 is part of a 40 year cycle of dimensional blend vulnerabilities. This ties in with a Venus Pentagonal Alignment cycle that’s also active in 2020.Planet Alignments: Mid 2020Major and challenging planetary alignments in mid 2020 with Venus Pentagonal Alignment and unusual confluence of outer planets near planetary Merkaba peak.Significant Events – 2015The planetary Merkaba peak in Aug 2015 coincides with Venus Pentagonal Alignment and particle collider operations. Relationship to original Grid Fall dynamics and potential grid impact. Planetary Alignments 2014Svalbard grid operations and relationship with ancient grid line running from Easter Island through Giza Egypt & associated polar grids. Role of planetary plasma operations and conection to Caribbean grids.Plasma – PlanetaryPlasma is important as an excited state of matter between normal matter & light. It plays a major role in solar & planetary activity. It mediates energy flows, determines weather patterns & protects the planet. Planet Alignments Mid 2012Relation between Kathara & Tree of Life grids and correspondence with planets and mythology. Powerful Fibonacci relation between Venus & Earth embodied in Pentagonal Alignment, that peaked in mid 2012. Science Consciousness vs. AIRapid progress of technology provides both benefits & challenges. Creation mechanics help build perspective to strike a balance, to empower consciousness and mitigate drawbacks.Energy LawsEnergy powers creation. There are 3D laws governing flows, but these are for a closed system. There are efforts to move towards more open ‘free energy’. But care is needed to respect natural balance in creation.PlasmaPlasma, as substance, is important in creation. Internal & external creation exist in relation to each other. Like structure, these release polarity and merge into wholeness, at higher more conscious levels in creation. Bridge to MathematicsWe can know number, geometry, etc. as living realities that help shape creation. But they also carry powerful connection that brings many deep & higher facets of creation into relationship & view in exciting ways. Numbers 12 & 15Conventional number systems are mostly decimal (10) or digital (2). Dimensional structure uses 12 levels of matter, but also 3 additional levels of light. These latter are interesting in holding trans-harmonic connection. Events Eternal RealityReview of creation principles. Consciousness integrates & prevails at higher levels, while structure & separation dominate lower down. Discussion of issues with AMCC Teachings & need to re-focus. Group ShadowDiscussion of conflict, group challenges and issues. How conflict is engendered, rumour, projection, mirroring & gender polarity. Value of engagement & communication for wider outreach. Shield IntegrityDiscussion of Divide & Conquer tactics that cause conflict. Role of aggression & chaos leading to dis-connection & enmity. Integrating back into wholeness. DisclosureChallenges of discolsure & opening to larger realities. Need for spiritual maturity, empowerment, principles for safe higher communication. Avoiding spiritual glamour. Need for greater human coherence and cooperation.Real Christmas StoryDiscussion of modified vs original KS Christmas Story and implications of changes for authority and teachings. Our responsibilities to learn, grow & heal.Real Christmas Story – NotesBackground notes to commentary on Real Christmas Story.